OT Cyber Security

Nowadays, everything is moving towards digitalization where all data are stored into the cloud. This exposing the system towards cyber attack. Due to the concern, we move together with R-TCS to implement the cyber security into your system.

Nowadays, everything is moving towards digitalization where all data are stored into the cloud. This exposes the system towards potential cyber-attacks. Malaysia’s Manufacturing Sector alone has an output of MYR 1.1 Trillion per annum of which the majority consists of medium to highly automated production plants.

Therefore, OT Cyber Security is a rising subject for plants in Malaysia. We focus on Information Technology with emphasis on Cyber Security for Manufacturing and Critical Infrastructure, also known as Operational Technology (OT).

Why OT Cyber Security

As industrial systems become more connected, they also become more exposed to vulnerabilities. The high cost of industrial equipment and the devastation to communities and economies that an attack could generate are key factors for organizations looking to protect their industrial networks. Adding legacy equipment and safety regulations may prohibit any modifications being made to equipment. Compliance regulations that require sensitive data to be made available or pass through to the network and you have quite a challenge on your hands.

The good news is that it is possible to secure industrial networks without disrupting operations or risking non-compliance. By using solutions that allow complete visibility of network traffic and establishing the right security policies, VNES can help to put and advise an effective OT strategy in place that will protect your processes, people, profit and significantly reduce security vulnerabilities and incidents.


Less Point of Impact

Provide Network Segmentation

DMZ Layer

Thread Detection and Protection

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