Notifying System

Notifying System

With Notifying System, you can monitor your plant, production line or machine using your mobile device communication. You configure alerts, warnings and informative tips on the server, which are triggered by events in your plant and sent to the users in your network in form of mobile notifications.

The users can quickly identify the importance of the notification by looking at their mobile device anywhere in the plant within the specified WiFi network.

Once setup is configured, the server sends notifications directly to the connected mobile devices. The users that set up for the same notifications have the possibility to collaborate on incoming issues together in the same notification network.

You can specify the user roles, allocate devices and configure messages on the server using a simple and efficient web-engineering tool.

Notifying System allows you to reduce reaction times and downtimes by sending push notifications to your staff’s pocket. It monitors your data and sends notifications based on rules easily configurable by you. You also can get an overview of all notifications via a clear and simple web interface and receive push notifications right on your smartphone.

Benefits of Notifying System

Easy Integration in plants, production lines and machines

User friendly and fast configuration

Less downtime, significant of time and cost

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